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      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
texlive-uwa-pif 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/uwa-pif
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: @acronym{PIF, Participant Information Form} for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia

This package generates a PIF for a human research protocol at the UWA. It requires the UWA logo in PDF format, which is available in SVG format at https://static-listing.weboffice.uwa.edu.au/visualid/core-rebrand/img/uwacrest/, and uses the Calibri fonts by default. The class works with XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.

texlive-xkeyval 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/xkeyval
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: Extension of the @code{keyval} package

This package is an extension of the keyval package and offers additional macros for setting keys and declaring and setting class or package options. The package allows the programmer to specify a prefix to the name of the macros it defines for keys, and to define families of key definitions; these all help use in documents where several packages define their own sets of keys.

texlive-figflow 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/figflow
Licenses: FSF-free
Synopsis: Flow text around a figure

This package provides a Plain TeX macro \figflow that allows one to insert a figure into an area inset into a paragraph. Command arguments are width and height of the figure, and the figure (and its caption) itself. The package does not work with LaTeX; packages such as wrapfig, floatflt and picins support the needs of LaTeX users in this area.

texlive-isodate 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/isodate
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Tune the output format of dates according to language

This package provides ten output formats of the commands \today, \printdate, \printdateTeX, and \daterange (partly language dependent). The commands \printdate and \printdateTeX print any date. The command \daterange prints a date range and leaves out unnecessary year or month entries. This package supports German (old and new rules), Austrian, US English, British English, French, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian.

texlive-xifthen 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/xifthen
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Extended conditional commands

This package extends the ifthen package by implementing new commands to go within the first argument of \\ifthenelse: to test whether a string is void or not, if a command is defined or equivalent to another. The package also enables use of complex expressions as introduced by the package calc, together with the ability of defining new commands to handle complex tests.

texlive-pgfopts 2024.2
Propagated dependencies: texlive-pgf@2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/pgfopts
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: LaTeX package options with @code{pgfkeys}

The pgfkeys package (part of the PGF distribution) is a way of defining and using large numbers of keys for key-value syntaxes. However, pgfkeys itself does not offer means of handling LaTeX class and package options. This package adds such option handling to pgfkeys, in the same way that kvoptions adds the same facility to the LaTeX standard keyval package.

texlive-ligtype 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/ligtype
Licenses: LPPL 1.3c
Synopsis: Comprehensive ligature suppression functionalities

This package suppresses inappropriate ligatures following specified rules. Both font and user kerning are applied correctly, and f-glyphs are automatically replaced with their short-arm variant (if available). Also there is an emphasis on speed. By default the package applies German language ligature suppression rules. With the help of options and macros it can be used for other languages as well. The package requires LuaLaTeX.

texlive-foliono 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/foliono
Licenses: LPPL 1.3c
Synopsis: Use folio numbers to replace page numbers

This package adds functionality to create several styles of folio numbers. Folio numbering preceded the modern page numbering convention and was in common use until the 18th century. In folio numbering the numbers are placed only on odd (right-side) pages and the numbers typically comprise of two parts: quire and folio numbers. The intended use for this package is to help creating old-style books.

texlive-algobox 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/algobox
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Typeset Algobox programs

This LaTeX package can typeset Algobox programs almost exactly as displayed when editing with Algobox itself, using an input syntax very similar to the actual Algobox program text. It gives better results than Algobox's own LaTeX export which does not look like the editor rendition, produces standalone documents cumbersome to customize, and has arbitrary and inconsistent differences between the input syntax and the program text.

texlive-luamesh 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/luamesh
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation

The package allows to compute and draw 2D Delaunay triangulation. The algorithm is written with Lua, and depending upon the choice of the engine, the drawing is done by MetaPost (with luamplib) or by TikZ. The Delaunay triangulation algorithm is the Bowyer and Watson algorithm. Several macros are provided to draw the global mesh, the set of points, or a particular step of the algorithm.

texlive-tikz-cd 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/tikz-cd
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: Create commutative diagrams with TikZ

The general-purpose drawing package TiKZ can be used to typeset commutative diagrams and other kinds of mathematical pictures. The purpose of this package is to make the process of creation of such diagrams easier by providing a convenient set of macros and reasonable default settings. This package also includes an arrow tip library that match closely the arrows present in the Computer Modern typeface.

texlive-silence 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/silence
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Selective filtering of error messages and warnings

The package allows the user to filter out unwanted warnings and error messages issued by LaTeX, packages and classes, so they won't pop out when there's nothing one can do about them. Filtering goes from the very broad (``avoid all messages by such and such'') to the fine-grained (``avoid messages that begin with...''). Messages may be saved to an external file for later reference.

texlive-vmargin 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/vmargin
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Set various page dimensions

This package provides a macro to set various margins as well as dimensions for header/footer and page dimensions. Most common paper sizes, paper orientation, disabling of headers and footers, and two sided printing are supported.

The user interface might not be very fancy, but it's fast, small, and gets the job done. If you are looking for something more elaborate try the geometry package.

texlive-listing 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/listing
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Produce formatted program listings

The listing environment is provided and is similar to figure and table, although it is not a floating environment. Includes support for \caption, \label, \ref, and introduces \listoflistings, \listingname, \listlistingname. It produces a .lol file. It does not change \@makecaption (unless the option bigcaptions is used), so packages that change the layout of \caption still work.

texlive-pdfmsym 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/pdfmsym
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: PDF Math Symbols --- various drawn mathematical symbols

This package defines a handful of mathematical symbols many of which are implemented via PDF's builtin drawing utility. It is intended for use with pdfTeX and LuaTeX and is supported by XeTeX to a lesser extent. Among the symbols it defines are some variants of commonly used ones, as well as more obscure symbols which cannot be as easily found in other TeX or LaTeX packages.

texlive-easyfig 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/easyfig
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: Simplifying the use of common figures

The package provides the command \Figure to simplify the business of including an image as figure in the most common form (centred and with caption and label). The package uses the package adjustbox to center an image and to simplify further modifications. As adjustbox now provides keys to turn images or other material into floats or non-floats, including captions, easyfig has become quite redundant.

texlive-chembst 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/chembst
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Collection of BibTeX files for chemistry journals

The package offers a collection of advanced BibTeX style files suitable for publications in chemistry journals. Currently, style files for journals published by the American Chemical Society, Wiley-VCH and The Royal Society of Chemistry are available. The style files support advanced features such as automatic formatting of errata or creating an appropriate entry for publications in Angewandte Chemie where both English and German should be cited simultaneously.

texlive-prosper 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/prosper
Licenses: LPPL 1.2+
Synopsis: LaTeX class for high quality slides

Prosper is a LaTeX class for writing transparencies. It is written as an extension of the seminar class. Prosper offers a friendly environment for creating slides for both presentations with an overhead projector and a video projector. Slides prepared for a presentation with a computer and a video projector may integrate animation effects, incremental display, and so on. Various visual styles are supported and others are being contributed.

texlive-uwa-pcf 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/uwa-pcf
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: @acronym{PCF, Participant Consent Form} for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia

This LaTeX class generates a PCF for a human research protocol at the UWA. It requires the UWA logo in PDF format, which is available in SVG format at https://static-listing.weboffice.uwa.edu.au/visualid/core-rebrand/img/uwacrest/, and uses the Arial and UWA Slab fonts by default. The class works with XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.

texlive-preview 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/preview
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output

The main purpose of the preview package is the extraction of selected elements from a LaTeX source, like formulas or graphics, into separate pages of a DVI file. A flexible and convenient interface allows it to specify what commands and constructs should be extracted. This works with DVI files postprocessed by either Dvips and Ghostscript or dvipng, but it also works when you are using PDFTeX for generating PDF files.

texlive-ctanify 2024.2
Dependencies: perl@5.36.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/ctanify
Licenses: LPPL 1.3c
Synopsis: Prepare a package for upload to CTAN

Given a list of filenames, ctanify creates a tarball (a .tar.gz file) with the files laid out in CTAN's preferred structure. By default this tarball additionally contains a ZIP file with copies of all files laid out in the standard TeX Directory Structure (TDS), which may be used by those intending to install the package, or by those who need to incorporate it in a distribution.

texlive-texdate 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/texdate
Licenses: LPPL 1.3c
Synopsis: Date printing, formatting, and manipulation in TeX

TeX and LaTeX provide few facilities for dates by default, though many packages have filled this gap. This package fills it, as well, with a pure TeX-primitive implementation. It can print dates, advance them by numbers of days, weeks, or months, determine the weekday automatically, and print them in (mostly) arbitrary format. It can also print calendars (monthly and yearly) automatically, and can be easily localized for non-English languages.

texlive-pfarrei 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/pfarrei
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: LaTeX support of pastors' and priests' work

In Die TeXnische Komodie (issue 1/2013) Christian Justen described his use of LaTeX in his work as priest (similar requirements may be encountered in the work of pastors and other ministers of religion). One point was to arrange A5 pages onto A4 landscape paper, either side-by-side or as a booklet. Justen made two Bash scripts for this job; the package provides one Texlua script for both requirements.

texlive-istgame 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/istgame
Licenses: LPPL 1.3c
Synopsis: Draw game trees with TikZ

This LaTeX package provides macros based on TikZ to draw a game tree. The main idea underlying its core macros is the completion of a whole tree by using a sequence of simple parent-child tree structures, with no longer nested relations involved (like the use of grandchildren or great-grandchildren). Using this package you can draw a game tree as easily as drawing a game tree with pen and paper.

Total results: 4489