_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
texlive-subtext 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/subtext
Licenses: GPL 3
Synopsis: Easy text-style subscripts in math mode

This LaTeX package gives easy access to text-style subscripts in math mode by providing an optional argument to _. This is implemented by using the \text{} command from the amstext package.

texlive-mattens 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/mattens
Licenses: LPPL 1.3c
Synopsis: Matrices and tensor typesetting

The mattens package contains the definitions to typeset matrices, vectors and tensors as used in the engineering community for the representation of common vectors and tensors such as forces, velocities, moments of inertia, etc.

texlive-js-misc 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/js-misc
Licenses: Public Domain
Synopsis: Miscellaneous macros from Joachim Schrod

This package provides a bunch of packages, including: idverb.tex, for short verbatim; xfig.tex, for including xfig/transfig output in a TeX document; and cassette.tex for setting cassette labels.

texlive-ltb2bib 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/ltb2bib
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: Converts @code{amsrefs} bibliographical databases to BibTeX format

This package implements a LaTeX command that converts an amsrefs bibliographical database (.ltb) to a BibTeX bibliographical database (.bib). ltb2bib is the reverse of the amsxport option in amsrefs.

texlive-ppr-prv 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/ppr-prv
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Prosper preview

This class is used with LaTeX presentations using the prosper class. The aim of this class is to produce a printable version of the slides written with Prosper, with two slides per page.

texlive-nlctdoc 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/nlctdoc
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Package documentation class

The class provides support for the documentation of the author's packages, using KOMA-Script. This class is provided as is solely for the benefit of anyone who wants to compile the documentation of those packages.

texlive-synctex 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/synctex
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Engine-level feature synchronizing output and source

SyncTeX allows navigating between the TeX source and (usually PDF) output, in both directions, given a SyncTeX-aware front end. It is compiled into most engines and can be enabled with the --synctex=1 option.

texlive-ltablex 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/ltablex
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Table package extensions

The ltablex package modifies the tabularx environment to combine the features of the tabularx package (auto-sized columns in a fixed-width table) with those of the longtable package (multi-page tables).

texlive-showdim 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/showdim
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Variants on printing dimensions

This LaTeX package provides a number of commands for printing the value of a TeX dimension. For example, \tenthpt{\baselineskip} yields the current value of \baselineskip rounded to the nearest tenth of a point.

texlive-charter 2024.2
Propagated dependencies: texlive-psnfss@2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/charter
Licenses: non-copyleft
Synopsis: Charter fonts for TeX

This package provides a copy of the Charter Type-1 fonts which Bitstream contributed to the X consortium, renamed for use with TeX. Support for use with LaTeX is available in freenfss, part of psnfss.

texlive-stdpage 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/stdpage
Licenses: LPPL 1.2+
Synopsis: Standard pages with n lines of at most m characters each

For translations, proofreading, journal contributions etc., standard pages are used. Those standard pages consist of a fixed number of lines and characters per line. This package produces pages with n lines of at most m characters each.

texlive-picture 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/picture
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: Dimensions for picture macros

There are macro and environment arguments that expect numbers that will internally be multiplied by \unitlength. This package extends the syntax of these arguments, so that dimensions with calculation support may be used for these arguments.

texlive-hexgame 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/hexgame
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Provide an environment to draw a hexgame-board

Hex is a mathematical game invented by the Danish mathematician Piet Hein and independently by the mathematician John Nash. This package defines an environment that enables the user to draw such a game in a trivial way.

texlive-sugconf 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/sugconf
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: SAS(R) user group conference proceedings document class

The class may be used to typeset articles to be published in the proceedings of SAS(R) User group conferences and workshops. The layout produced by the class is based on that published by SAS Institute (2021).

texlive-wrapfig 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/wrapfig
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Produces figures which text can flow around

This package allows figures or tables to have text wrapped around them. It does not work in combination with list environments, but can be used in a parbox or minipage, and in two-column format.

texlive-abntex2 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/abntex2
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules

The bundle provides support for typesetting technical and scientific Brazilian documents (like academic thesis, articles, reports, research project and others) based on the ABNT rules. It replaces the old abntex.

texlive-imtekda 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/imtekda
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: IMTEK thesis class

The class permits typesetting of diploma, bachelor's and master's theses for the IMTEK at the University of Freiburg (Germany). The class is based on the KOMA-Script class scrbook.

texlive-hrlatex 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/hrlatex
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: LaTeX support for Croatian documents

This package simplifies creation of new documents for the (average) Croatian user. As an example, a class file hrdipl.cls (designed for the graduation thesis at the University of Zagreb) and sample thesis documents are included.

texlive-lineara 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/lineara
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Linear A script fonts

The lineara package provides a simple interface to two fonts which include all known symbols, simple and complex, of the Linear A script. This way one can easily replicate Linear A texts using modern typographic technology.

texlive-pst-fun 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/pst-fun
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Draw funny objects with PSTricks

This is a PSTricks related package for drawing funny objects, like ant, bird, fish, kangaroo, etc. Such objects may be useful for testing other PSTricks macros and/or packages. (Or they can be used for fun...)

texlive-chicago 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/chicago
Licenses: Donald Knuth's license for TeX
Synopsis: Chicago bibliography style

Chicago is a BibTeX style that follows the B reference style of the 13th Edition of the Chicago manual of style; a LaTeX package is also provided. The style was derived from the newapa style.

texlive-newvbtm 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/newvbtm
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Define your own verbatim-like environment

Defines general purpose macro named \newverbatim to define your own verbatim-like environment. It also has a supplementary style file varvbtm.sty to provide set of macros for variants of verbatim, such as Tab emulation.

texlive-eso-pic 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/eso-pic
Licenses: LPPL 1.3+
Synopsis: Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page

The package adds one or more user commands to LaTeX's shipout routine, which may be used to place the output at fixed positions. The grid option may be used to find the correct places.

texlive-xeindex 2024.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tex.scm (gnu packages tex)
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/xeindex
Licenses: LPPL (any version)
Synopsis: Automatic index generation for XeLaTeX

The package is based on XeSearch, and will automatically index words or phrases in an XeLaTeX document. Words are declared in a list, and every occurrence then creates an index entry whose content can be fully specified beforehand.

Total results: 4489