_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
mu 1.12.6
Dependencies: glib@2.78.0 gmime@3.2.14 guile@3.0.9 xapian@1.4.19 readline@8.1.2 python@3.10.7
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/mail.scm (gnu packages mail)
Home page: https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Quickly find emails

Mu is a tool for dealing with e-mail messages stored in the Maildir format. Mu's purpose in life is to help you to quickly find the messages you need; in addition, it allows you to view messages, extract attachments, create new maildirs, and so on.

mutt 2.2.13
Dependencies: cyrus-sasl@2.1.28 gdbm@1.23 gpgme@1.18.0 libidn2@2.3.4 ncurses@6.2.20210619 openssl@3.0.8 perl@5.36.0 sqlite@3.39.3
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/mail.scm (gnu packages mail)
Home page: http://www.mutt.org/
Licenses: GPL 2+
Synopsis: Mail client

Mutt is a small but very powerful text-based mail client for Unix operating systems.

musl 1.2.5
Dependencies: bash-minimal@5.1.16
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/musl.scm (gnu packages musl)
Home page: https://musl.libc.org
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Small C standard library

musl is a simple and lightweight C standard library. It strives to be correct in the sense of standards-conformance and safety.

mujs 1.3.5
Dependencies: readline@8.1.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/javascript.scm (gnu packages javascript)
Home page: https://mujs.com/
Licenses: ISC
Synopsis: JavaScript interpreter written in C

MuJS is a lightweight Javascript interpreter designed for embedding in other software to extend them with scripting capabilities. MuJS was designed with a focus on small size, correctness, and simplicity. It is written in portable C and implements ECMAScript as specified by ECMA-262. The interface for binding with native code is designed to be as simple as possible to use, and is very similar to Lua. There is no need to interact with byzantine C++ template mechanisms, or worry about marking and unmarking garbage collection roots, or wrestle with obscure build systems.

mumps 5.5.1
Dependencies: gfortran@11.4.0 openblas@0.3.20 metis@5.1.0 scotch@7.0.4
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/maths.scm (gnu packages maths)
Home page: http://mumps.enseeiht.fr
Licenses: CeCILL-C
Synopsis: Multifrontal sparse direct solver

MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver) solves a sparse system of linear equations A x = b using Gaussian elimination.

music 0.0.0-1.b1caecd
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm (gnu packages bioinformatics)
Home page: https://github.com/gersteinlab/MUSIC/
Licenses: GPL 2+
Synopsis: Multiscale enrichment calling for ChIP-Seq datasets

MUSIC is an algorithm for identification of enriched regions at multiple scales in the read depth signals from ChIP-Seq experiments.

munge 0.5.14
Dependencies: openssl@3.0.8 libgcrypt@1.10.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/admin.scm (gnu packages admin)
Home page: https://dun.github.io/munge/
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Cluster computing authentication service

Munge is an authentication service for creating and validating credentials. It allows a process to authenticate the UID and GID of another local or remote process within a group of hosts having common users and groups. These hosts form a security realm that is defined by a shared cryptographic key. Clients within this security realm can create and validate credentials without the use of root privileges, reserved ports, or platform-specific methods.

mupdf 1.24.7
Dependencies: curl@8.6.0 libxrandr@1.5.2 libxi@1.7.10 freeglut@3.4.0 freetype@2.13.0 gumbo-parser@0.10.1 harfbuzz@8.3.0 jbig2dec@0.19 libjpeg-turbo@2.1.4 libx11@1.8.7 libxext@1.3.4 mujs@1.3.5 openjpeg@2.5.0 openssl@3.0.8 zlib@1.3
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/pdf.scm (gnu packages pdf)
Home page: https://mupdf.com
Licenses: AGPL 3+ Modified BSD X11 SIL OFL 1.1 ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit

MuPDF is a C library that implements a PDF and XPS parsing and rendering engine. It is used primarily to render pages into bitmaps, but also provides support for other operations such as searching and listing the table of contents and hyperlinks.

The library ships with a rudimentary X11 viewer, and a set of command line tools for batch rendering pdfdraw, rewriting files pdfclean, and examining the file structure pdfshow.

mummer 4.0.0rc1
Dependencies: gnuplot@6.0.1 perl@5.36.0
Channel: gn-bioinformatics
Location: gn/packages/bioinformatics.scm (gn packages bioinformatics)
Home page: http://mummer.sourceforge.net/
Licenses: Artistic License 2.0
Synopsis: Efficient sequence alignment of full genomes

MUMmer is a versatil alignment tool for DNA and protein sequences.

muscle 3.8.1551
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm (gnu packages bioinformatics)
Home page: http://www.drive5.com/muscle
Licenses: Public Domain
Synopsis: Multiple sequence alignment program

MUSCLE aims to be a fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment program for nucleotide and protein sequences.

mutest 0.0.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/check.scm (gnu packages check)
Home page: https://ebassi.github.io/mutest/mutest.md.html
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Small C testing library

Mutest aims to be a small unit testing library for C projects, with an API heavily modelled on high level Behavior-Driver Development frameworks like Jasmine or Mocha.

mumble 1.4.287
Dependencies: avahi@0.8 boost@1.83.0 glib@2.78.0 libsndfile@1.2.0 libxi@1.7.10 mesa@24.0.4 openssl@1.1.1u opus@1.3.1 poco@1.11.1 protobuf@3.21.9 pulseaudio@16.1 qtbase@5.15.10 qtsvg@5.15.10 speech-dispatcher@0.11.5 speex@1.2.1 speexdsp@1.2.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/telephony.scm (gnu packages telephony)
Home page: https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page
Licenses: Modified BSD FreeBSD ISC
Synopsis: Low-latency, high quality voice chat software

Mumble is an low-latency, high quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming. Mumble consists of two applications for separate usage: mumble for the client, and murmur for the server.

Propagated dependencies: r-survival@3.7-0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/cran.scm (gnu packages cran)
Home page: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/muhaz/
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Hazard function estimation in survival analysis

This package produces a smooth estimate of the hazard function for censored data.

murrine 0.98.2
Propagated dependencies: gtk+@2.24.33
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/gtk.scm (gnu packages gtk)
Home page: https://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt
Licenses: GPL 2+
Synopsis: Cairo-based theming engine for GTK+ 2.x

Murrine is a cairo-based GTK+ theming engine. It is named after the glass artworks done by Venicians glass blowers.

music21 7.1.0
Propagated dependencies: python-chardet@5.1.0 python-joblib@1.3.2 python-more-itertools@8.2.0 python-webcolors@1.11.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/music.scm (gnu packages music)
Home page: https://web.mit.edu/music21/
Licenses: Modified BSD LGPL 3+
Synopsis: Toolkit for Computational Musicology

Music21 is a set of tools for helping scholars and other active listeners answer questions about music quickly and simply.

r-music 1.0.0-1.0a3e3af
Propagated dependencies: r-biobase@2.64.0 r-ggplot2@3.5.1 r-matrix@1.7-0 r-mcmcpack@1.7-1 r-nnls@1.5 r-singlecellexperiment@1.26.0 r-toast@1.18.0
Channel: guix-science
Location: guix-science/packages/bioinformatics.scm (guix-science packages bioinformatics)
Home page: https://github.com/xuranw/MuSiC
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Multi-subject single cell deconvolution

MuSiC is a deconvolution method that utilizes cross-subject scRNA-seq to estimate cell type proportions in bulk RNA-seq data.

multiqc 1.14
Dependencies: python-click@8.1.7 python-coloredlogs@10.0 python-future@0.18.2 python-jinja2@3.1.2 python-lzstring@1.0.4 python-markdown@3.3.4 python-matplotlib@3.8.2 python-networkx@2.8.6 python-numpy@1.23.2 python-pyyaml@6.0.1 python-requests@2.28.1 python-rich@12.4.1 python-rich-click@1.6.1 python-simplejson@3.17.6 python-spectra@0.0.11
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm (gnu packages bioinformatics)
Home page: https://multiqc.info
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports

MultiQC is a tool to aggregate bioinformatics results across many samples into a single report. It contains modules for a large number of common bioinformatics tools.

r-mumin 1.48.4
Propagated dependencies: r-insight@0.20.4 r-matrix@1.7-0 r-nlme@3.1-166
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/statistics.scm (gnu packages statistics)
Home page: https://cran.r-project.org/package=MuMIn
Licenses: GPL 2
Synopsis: Multi-Model Inference

Tools for performing model selection and model averaging. Automated model selection through subsetting the maximum model, with optional constraints for model inclusion. Model parameter and prediction averaging based on model weights derived from information criteria (AICc and alike) or custom model weighting schemes.

muparser 2.2.5-2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/maths.scm (gnu packages maths)
Home page: http://muparser.beltoforion.de/
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Fast parser library for mathematical expressions

muParser is an extensible high performance math parser library. It is based on transforming an expression into a bytecode and precalculating constant parts of it.

r-mutoss 0.1-13
Propagated dependencies: r-multcomp@1.4-26 r-multtest@2.60.0 r-mvtnorm@1.3-1 r-plotrix@3.8-4
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/bioconductor.scm (gnu packages bioconductor)
Home page: https://github.com/kornl/mutoss/
Licenses: GPL 2+ GPL 3+
Synopsis: Unified multiple testing procedures

This package is designed to ease the application and comparison of multiple hypothesis testing procedures for FWER, gFWER, FDR and FDX. Methods are standardized and usable by the accompanying mutossGUI package.

r-muscat 1.18.0
Propagated dependencies: r-biocparallel@1.38.0 r-blme@1.0-5 r-complexheatmap@2.20.0 r-data-table@1.16.0 r-deseq2@1.44.0 r-dplyr@1.1.4 r-edger@4.2.1 r-ggplot2@3.5.1 r-glmmtmb@1.1.9 r-limma@3.60.4 r-lme4@1.1-35.5 r-lmertest@3.1-3 r-matrix@1.7-0 r-matrixstats@1.4.0 r-progress@1.2.3 r-purrr@1.0.2 r-s4vectors@0.42.1 r-scales@1.3.0 r-scater@1.32.1 r-sctransform@0.4.1 r-scuttle@1.14.0 r-singlecellexperiment@1.26.0 r-summarizedexperiment@1.34.0 r-variancepartition@1.34.0 r-viridis@0.6.5
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/bioconductor.scm (gnu packages bioconductor)
Home page: https://github.com/HelenaLC/muscat
Licenses: GPL 3
Synopsis: Multi-sample multi-group scRNA-seq data analysis tools

This package muscat provides various methods and visualization tools for DS(differential splicing) analysis in multi-sample, multi-group, multi-(cell-)subpopulation scRNA-seq data, including cell-level mixed models and methods based on aggregated "pseudobulk" data, as well as a flexible simulation platform that mimics both single and multi-sample scRNA-seq data.

muchsync 7
Dependencies: openssl@3.0.8 notmuch@0.38.2 sqlite@3.39.3 xapian@1.4.19
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/mail.scm (gnu packages mail)
Home page: https://www.muchsync.org/
Licenses: GPL 2+
Synopsis: Synchronize notmuch mail across machines

Muchsync brings Notmuch to all of your computers by synchronizing your mail messages and Notmuch tags across machines. The protocol is heavily pipelined to work efficiently over high-latency networks such as mobile broadband. Muchsync supports arbitrary pairwise synchronization among replicas. A version-vector-based algorithm allows it to exchange only the minimum information necessary to bring replicas up to date regardless of which pairs have previously synchronized.

Total results: 307