_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
emacs-company 20240926.2127
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: http://company-mode.github.io/
Synopsis: Modular text completion framework

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company

emacs-company 0.10.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm (gnu packages emacs-xyz)
Home page: https://company-mode.github.io/
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Modular text completion framework

Company is a modular completion mechanism. Modules for retrieving completion candidates are called back-ends, modules for displaying them are front-ends. Company comes with many back-ends, e.g., company-elisp. These are distributed in separate files and can be used individually.

emacs-company-go 20170825.1643
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-go-mode@20240620.1948
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: unspecified
Synopsis: company-mode backend for Go (using gocode)

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-go

emacs-company-web 20220115.2146
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-dash@20240510.1327 emacs-web-completion-data@20160318.848
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/osv/company-web
Synopsis: Company version of ac-html, complete for web,html,emmet,jade,slim modes

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-web

emacs-company-flx 20180103.518
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-flx@20240205.356
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/PythonNut/company-flx
Synopsis: flx based fuzzy matching for company

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-flx

emacs-company-coq 20221130.536
Propagated dependencies: emacs-dash@20240510.1327 emacs-yasnippet@20240406.1314 emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-company-math@20221227.1329
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/cpitclaudel/company-coq
Synopsis: A collection of extensions for Proof General's Coq mode

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-coq

emacs-company-box 20240320.921
Propagated dependencies: emacs-dash@20240510.1327 emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-frame-local@20180330.940
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/sebastiencs/company-box
Synopsis: Company front-end with icons

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-box

emacs-company-ipa 20210307.1838
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@20240926.2127
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/mguzmann/company-ipa
Synopsis: IPA backend for company

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-ipa

emacs-company-qml 20170428.1708
Propagated dependencies: emacs-qml-mode@20161016.31 emacs-company@20240926.2127
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: unspecified
Synopsis: Company backend for QML files

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-qml

emacs-company-dcd 20240218.1726
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-flycheck-dmd-dub@20210412.1608 emacs-yasnippet@20240406.1314 emacs-popwin@20240925.752 emacs-ivy@20240829.1723
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: http://github.com/tsukimizake/company-dcd
Synopsis: Company backend for Dlang using DCD.

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-dcd

emacs-company-php 20240328.1036
Propagated dependencies: emacs-ac-php-core@20240426.653 emacs-company@20240926.2127
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/xcwen/ac-php
Synopsis: A company back-end for PHP.

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-php

emacs-company-lua 20171108.2306
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-s@20220902.1511 emacs-f@20240308.906 emacs-lua-mode@20231023.947
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: unspecified
Synopsis: Company backend for Lua

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-lua

emacs-company-ycm 20140904.1817
Propagated dependencies: emacs-ycm@20150822.1836
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: unspecified
Synopsis: company-ycm

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-ycm

emacs-company-lua 0.1-2.29f6819
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@0.10.2 emacs-s@1.13.0 emacs-f@0.20.0 emacs-lua-mode@20221027-1.d074e41
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm (gnu packages emacs-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/ptrv/company-lua
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Company backend for Lua

This package provides Company backend for Lua programming language.

emacs-company-lsp 2.1.0
Propagated dependencies: emacs-dash@2.19.1 emacs-lsp-mode@9.0.0 emacs-company@0.10.2 emacs-s@1.13.0 emacs-dash@2.19.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm (gnu packages emacs-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/tigersoldier/company-lsp
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Completion for @code{lsp-mode}

This package provides completion features that are not possible with lsp-mode and company-capf alone, including support for trigger characters and asynchronous fetching of completion candidates.

emacs-company-box 0.0.1-0.be37a9a
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@0.10.2 emacs-dash@2.19.1 emacs-frame-local@0.0.1-0.7ee1106
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm (gnu packages emacs-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/sebastiencs/company-box
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Company front-end with icons

Company box is a Company front-end. It supports different colors for different backends, associates icons to functions, variables... and their backends, and displays candidate's documentation. It is not limited by the current window size or buffer's text properties.

This package is not compatible with a TTY.

emacs-company-coq 1.0.1
Dependencies: emacs-company@0.10.2 emacs-company-math@1.5.1 emacs-dash@2.19.1 emacs-yasnippet@0.14.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm (gnu packages emacs-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/cpitclaudel/company-coq
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Emacs extensions for Proof General's Coq mode

This package includes a collection of Company mode backends for Proof-General's Coq mode, and many useful extensions to Proof-General. It features:

  • Prettification of operators, types, and subscripts,

  • Auto-completion,

  • Insertion of cases,

  • Fully explicit intros,

  • Outlines, code folding, and jumping to definition,

  • Help with errors,

  • and more.

emacs-company-ipa 20210307.1838
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@0.10.2
Channel: yewscion
Location: cdr255/emacs.scm (cdr255 emacs)
Home page: https://github.com/mguzmann/company-ipa
Licenses: GPL 3
Synopsis: IPA backend for company

This package adds an easy way of inserting IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) into a document Usage ===== To install clone this package directly and load it (load-file "PATH/company-ipa.el") To activate: (add-to-list company-backends company-ipa-symbols-unicode) To use: type ~pp and you should get completions To change the prefix, execute: (company-ipa-set-trigger-prefix "¬") For best performance you should use this with company-flx: (company-flx-mode +1)

emacs-company-web 20220115.2146
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@0.10.2 emacs-dash@2.19.1 emacs-web-completion-data@20160318.848
Channel: yewscion
Location: cdr255/emacs.scm (cdr255 emacs)
Home page: https://github.com/osv/company-web
Licenses: GPL 3
Synopsis: Company version of ac-html, complete for web,html,emmet,jade,slim modes

Same as ac-html, but for `company completion framework. Configuration: (add-to-list company-backends company-web-html) (add-to-list company-backends company-web-jade) (add-to-list company-backends company-web-slim) or, for example, setup web-mode-hook: (define-key web-mode-map (kbd "C-'") company-web-html) (add-hook web-mode-hook (lambda () (set (make-local-variable company-backends) (company-web-html company-files)) (company-mode t))) When you use `emmet-mode (with `web-mode and `html-mode') you may autocomplete as well as regular html complete. P.S: You may be interested in next packages: `ac-html-bootstrap - Twitter:Bootstrap completion data for company-web (and ac-html as well) `ac-html-csswatcher - Watch your project CSS/Less files for classes and ids `ac-html-angular - Angular 1.5 completion data;

emacs-company-flow 20180225.2159
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-dash@20240510.1327
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/aaronjensen/company-flow
Synopsis: Flow backend for company-mode

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-flow

emacs-company-stan 20211129.2051
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-stan-mode@20211129.2051
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/stan-dev/stan-mode/tree/master/company-stan
Synopsis: A company-mode completion backend for stan

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-stan

emacs-company-lean 20210305.1705
Propagated dependencies: emacs-dash@20240510.1327 emacs-s@20220902.1511 emacs-f@20240308.906 emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-lean-mode@20230611.728
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/leanprover/lean-mode
Synopsis: A company backend for lean-mode

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-lean

emacs-company-glsl 20210109.1403
Propagated dependencies: emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-glsl-mode@20210808.1945
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/guidoschmidt/company-glsl
Synopsis: Support glsl in company-mode

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-glsl

emacs-company-ycmd 20180520.1053
Propagated dependencies: emacs-ycmd@20190416.807 emacs-company@20240926.2127 emacs-deferred@20170901.1330 emacs-s@20220902.1511 emacs-dash@20240510.1327 emacs-f@20240308.906
Channel: emacs
Location: emacs/packages/melpa.scm (emacs packages melpa)
Home page: https://github.com/abingham/emacs-ycmd
Synopsis: company-mode backend for ycmd

Documentation at https://melpa.org/#/company-ycmd

Page: 12345
Total results: 98